Finishing new album ‘Atlantic Drifter’ in Santorini
After the liquid heat of Bangkok and the beautiful people of a two day helter-skelter Welsh festival – watching the evening light flood a mountain valley from my balcony in Santorini is as close to paradise as I can imagine. Sitting in the warm dry Aegean wind, as summer softly starts to fade… So heaven...

Thai Tour – Wunderbar and Zoo
Gigs at Zoo club, Pra Nathong and with Ross Ainslie (Salsa Celtica), Alice Orton, Mick Callan and Nigel Richards (IndiaAlba) at Wunderbar in Pra Arthit Today is the day of the winter wind. My friend wrapped herself in shawls against the chill – while I sighed for joy at the slightly less impossible heat, and...

Booklaunch/ Exhibition/ Gig for ‘Postcards from the Road’ at 86’d Gallery
“I pray thee, good Mercutio, let’s retire: For now, these hot days, is the mad blood stirring.” A WONDERFUL time at 86’d GALLERY, stuck in a high window looking over the late-lit Severn, each side surrounded by an engine assault of high day bikers, cruising the strip. Through the open window, voiles carving in the...

Moon Dappling a Night Garden
MOON DAPPLING A NIGHT GARDEN An improvisation for a warm evening by Rob Carolan (hang drum) and Jonathan Day (alto). Played in the forest hall at Mellowcroft in the Welsh mountains. Cover image by Ed Lam : )

Wenlock Festival
WENLOCK FESTIVAL was a haze of summer skies, screeching swifts and rooks squabbling in the twilight. Lovely audiences plumped on strawberries and ice cream – awash with tea and Pimms, willing us on to be our best. Ancient Abbey stones still warm from the sun was all the amplification we needed – the greeness of...

Folk on the Park
Sky is cerulean blue, filled with the appealing screech (who would have thought those words would appear together?) of swifts and martens. Must be summer… and time for a Shropshire festival. Shropshire is divided into the Southern hills and Northern plain, that melds slowly and inevitably into Cheshire. I live at the foot of...

Farewell then, South China Sea, you have been beautiful… but Folk on the Park waits for no one : )
Farewell then, South China Sea, you have been beautiful… but Folk on the Park waits for no one : ) #AtlanticDrifterTour http://folkonthepark.co.uk/

Atlantic Drifter in Hong Kong – gigs – Hong Kong Design Institute
PERFORMANCE AT HKDI – I HAVE SO LOVED PLAYING IN ASIA! The warm enthusiasm of Hong Kong listeners is lovely : ) … I’m singing about a neolithic circle, half lost in the North Atlantic – playing a huge Chinese drum that was in the venue – swopped for my usual bodhran. I’ve no idea...

Atlantic Drifter in Hong Kong – gigs – Peel Fresco
PEEL STREET FRESCO, CENTRAL, HONG KONG.Walking from the Soho levels down, threading between dark wooden restaurants, Peel street begins with the reek of incense, throat-scratchingly intense. The always burning smoke in a small alcove, red tiled, functional, with an indecipherable inscription hidden in a lockable niche. PEEL STREET FRESCO, CENTRAL, HONG KONG. Just down...

Atlantic Drifter in Hong Kong – gigs – Bookworm Café
The Bookworm Café is nestled in a quiet corner of a quiet little town on a quiet island. It still has something of the wild Asia of my imaginings – haphazard structures that seem to have coalesced organically, cicadas in the Needle Pines, the air filled with the sound of their dry crackled wings. I’m...